One Pound, Baby!

This is not me 🙂

My original plan, after such an awful week, was to skip weigh-in on Saturday.  Why torture myself anymore than I’ve already been tormented?  But that’s a really bad habit for me to get into.  One skipped weigh-in turns into twenty, which turns into 50 pounds gained.  Okay, I exaggerate, but only slightly.

I tried to salvage something for the week by working out Friday night and again Saturday morning.  I got an email late in the week about a half-marathon training group starting in mid-August at the place where I take Spinning class sometimes.  We were advised to be able to run 3 miles several times a week before the group starts.  My first thought was “Yeah right, I’m too fat for this.”  Then I thought, “I have two months to work up to two miles.  I could actually do this.”

I printed a beginner’s 5K training schedule, and the first run was for 1.5 miles. So Saturday morning I laced up my running shoes and went to the gym with a mission: to finish 1.5 miles, no matter how long it took, no matter how much torture it was, and be able to cross off my first day of 5K training!

I did it, but it took me over 30 minutes.  Wow, I’m out of shape.  I used to cover 3 or more miles in that time.  It was a struggle, and I hated feeling how much I have let myself go, but I completed that first 1.5 miles and proudly crossed it off on my training calendar.  One down!

After that run, I decided to go ahead, face the number, and weigh in.  I weighed in at 210, down from 211 last week.  I’m sure it’s mostly water loss from the run, but it wasn’t a gain, so I don’t care if it was caused by aliens, I’m taking it and running with it and celebrating it!

I have to work two evenings this week at my second job, so I really need a plan this week.  I’m going to force myself to get to bed earlier each night so I can make myself get up for a morning workout on Thursday and Friday.  I have to work Saturday and Sunday (grrrrrrrrr), so fitting in workouts this weekend will be a battle.

My stepkids will be home Friday evening, and I always go with my boyfriend to pick them up, but I won’t even see them until at least 9:30 that night, after I get home from work.  I don’t like that at all, especially considering I’m working all weekend too.  Sometimes I seriously wonder if this second job is worth it.  I am trying hard to pay down debt, get us on better financial footing, move into a bigger place (we desperately need it), but the sacrifices along the way seem gigantic.

I will take this week one day at a time.  One pound down, and I’m taking aim at at least one more this week!

Almost My Day Off!

The end is in sight!  I am only working one job today, I have an 8 hour class tomorrow, and then Sunday…glorious Sunday…I finally have a day off.

The store manager had other ideas, even though I requested both days off in plenty of time.  She scheduled me for Saturday anyway.  I sent her a text last night after I saw the schedule that I already asked for the time off and cannot work.  She hasn’t responded, and I am truly at the “bite me” stage about my work schedule there.  I am NOT working this weekend.  I nearly killed myself last week with over 70 hours, I haven’t had a day off in two weeks, I need a day off, and by god, I am taking it.

Tomorrow morning I will bite the bullet and weigh in.  I have a feeling I am back to my highest weight, if not over.  It won’t be pleasant to see, but I did this to myself.  I don’t handle excessive stress well, as you can probably see.  The first thing to fall to the wayside is taking care of myself, and I end up a complete wreck.

To top it all off, my stepkids will be home this weekend.  It’s actually not a regularly scheduled weekend with them, but Psycho, my boyfriend’s ex and my stalker, claims she is going out of town. She repeated herself many times, desperately hoping my boyfriend would ask where she is going, but he just replied “okay” and focused on what time to pick the kids up, ha.

I love my stepkids, but I am thoroughly exhausted.  It’s going to be hard to keep up with them this weekend.  I’ll make the most of our time together and hopefully get some rest and sleep next week!

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