
Yesterday, my morning started with a lengthy dentist appointment. (Jealous already, aren’t you?) Doesn’t every peaceful morning begin with injections into your gums, the roaring buzz of a drill, and various hands and tools stuffed into your mouth?

I spent the afternoon with a numbed mouth, playing catch-up at work and fighting a headache that started at the dentist’s office. I was relieved to finally head home. Just seeing my husband standing in the kitchen made me smile (as I gulped Aleve like candy).

A surprise rain shower kicked up, despite no rain in the forecast. As avid gardeners, we are disproportionately happy about rain! We went outside to sit in rocking chairs on the front porch, watched the gentle rain, and talked about our days, our garden plans, anything and everything that popped into our heads.

I leaned back in my chair, my hand resting on my husband’s knee, his hand on top of mine. We have so many plants on the front porch that I practically couldn’t see around them, but I like it that way. It felt like being tucked away in our own private hideaway.

I listened to his voice, mixed with the soft patter of rain, and I felt the tension of the day melt away. My headache eased up in the cool breeze, and I relaxed, almost drowsy, peaceful.

I’ve had back-to-back meetings today, with barely enough time to dash to the microwave to heat up a lackluster lunch that I ate while working. My mind keeps drifting back to that rocking chair on the porch, hand in hand with my husband, happy and sleepy in the drizzling rain. Maybe, if I’m lucky, we will have another surprise rainstorm very soon.

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